Westricher Str. 8
44388 Dortmund
phone: 0231│63 58 12
mobile: 0151│127 180 77
email: silberbow@yahoo.de
'I teach that. I love to teach that. An invitation to come with me - exploring, improvising, nourishing arts'
1986 | 'Zeit'- Magazine |
2001 | ProJazz Sampler Vol 2 |
2003 | 'Gaia- compositions for improvisors', Musikverlag Manfred Weiß, Dortmund |
2004 | 'Ein Zeichen von Dir', Engelsdorfer Verlag |
2006 | Interview and portrait of my work at radio 91.2 Dortmund |
2010 | 'Winternebel', poems, Engelsdorfer Verlag |
2004 2008 2010 |
Several awards in poetry (Literaturpodium), Germany |
since 1983 | Studies on Violin/Viola in Berlin (Ma-Lou Bangerter), Cologne and Wuppertal (Gunda Gottschalk) |
1986- '88 | Literature and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin (FU) |
2006 | Graphic composition at University of Duisburg |
since 1996 | Musikalisch- künstlerische Arbeit mit Kindern und Jugendlichen in verschiedenen Städten Deutschlands; Projekte in Duisburg, Oberhausen, Essen, Bingen am Rhein, Dortmund; Musikalische Früherziehung, Jugend- kunstschule 'Balou' und Musikschule 'Dur und Moll' |
since 2006 | Privatlehrerin für Improvisation |
since 2006 | Public program: 'Culture and School' (Kultur und Schule), Germany |
since 2006 | Violin/viola teacher for primary school children and young adults; special remark on students with handicaps or members of outsider groups - e.g. sinti-children |
2011 | Music school of the city of Witten (Städtische Musikschule Witten), Germany |
2011- '14 | Music school of the city of Lünen (Städtische Musikschule Lünen), Germany |